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Tag: tv

A Month of TV Commentary: A Meme in 30 Parts: Day 5

From aiela, via madlori, the 30-Day TV Meme.

Day 05 – A show you hate

At first, i was a bit uncertain how to answer this one. There are certainly shows I don’t like, and by and large, I don’t watch them, which makes life very easy on everyone.

But recently I did watch a couple of episodes of a show that was just unremittingly bad. And I wrote about it here. So, for today, here’s a reprint of my review of NBC’s absolutely wretched The Marriage Ref, originally appearing in this journal back on March 2, 2010:

The last couple of weeks our tv-watching time has been mostly consumed with the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Despite NBC’s relatively awful coverage, I still greatly enjoyed the Games, because I love Olympic sports. Perhaps because I grew up in an area where snow has ever been a novelty, I love the Winter Games even more.

Now this year, much like in the last few games, we watched exclusively on the TiVo, often 24 hours behind the results (and after falling behind over the weekend, as much as 3-4 days behind), but it meant we could easily skip past sports that aren’t interesting (I’m looking at you, cross-country skiing), in favour of sports which are more exciting. Even if we failed to avoid spoilers, it’s usually fun to see HOW the results came about, so we oohed and ahhed over the snowboarding and the figure skating.

Aside from relatively un-telegenic sports, we also skipped most of the commercials. Honestly, I miss most commercials on television, because I simply never stop to watch them. (I had to go look up the “I’m on a horse” Old Spice commercial on YouTube, because I had no idea what aiela and davehogg were babbling about). But over the course of several breaks, it’s impossible not to see a few of them, and hence we were exposed to multiple promos for NBC’s new series, The Marriage Ref.

“That looks dreadful,” kitanzi said, and there was no reason to expect otherwise. Still, my curiosity was piqued. There were some talented people attached to this. How bad could it really be?

Having sampled an episode, I am here to report: It is very, very bad indeed. I’m reminded of Opus the Penguin’s film review in the old comic strip Bloom County: “George Phblat’s new film, ‘Benji Saves the Universe,’ has brought the word ‘BAD’ to new levels of badness. Bad acting. Bad effects. Bad everything. This film just oozed rottenness from every bad scene… Simply bad beyond all infinite dimensions of possible badness…Well maybe not that bad, but Lord, it wasn’t good.”

The premise of the show is fairly straightforward. A real married couple is having an argument over some absurd thing, Unable to resolve it, they present the facts of their argument to a celebrity panel, who make jokes about it, the host refers to a news researcher who presents some sort of statistical context for the disputed notion, the panel makes some more jokes, and then the host decides for one side or the other. The couple is brought onto a live monitor, the host informs them of the decision (with more jokes), they react predictably, and then it’s on to the next segment.

In the one episode I watched, (thanks to Hulu), there were two arguments to be settled. In the first, a man wanted to have his faithful canine companion stuffed by a taxidermist, in order to create a small shrine in the living room. In the second, the husband wanted to install a stripper pole in the house, which he imagined his wife would entertain him with. In both cases, the argument was so patently absurd that you really couldn’t figure out (absent evidence of severe brain damage) precisely why this was such an intractable issue. On the other hand, kitanzi and I once had a four-day long argument over the question “What, precisely, is poetry?”, so perhaps I shouldn’t throw stones too hard.

I could, if I were so inclined, complain about how the show perpetuates the “men are idiots” meme that has been a staple of sitcom humour for the last 30 years, but my heart isn’t really in it. Men, quite often, ARE idiots, and while I’m willing to defend them generally, I’m not really motivated to advocate for these two yahoos. They each had the hallmarks of a stubborn jackass who has made up his mind what he wants, and is so wrapped up in his desire that he isn’t listening to anything being said to him.

I could also make an argument that the very concept of this show represents a continuing dumbing down of television in the Reality Era, which makes a habit of putting ordinary people on screen for the purpose of making fun of them, but that doesn’t really have a lot of traction either, even by the notoriously low standards of reality television. Compared to pabulum such as The Bachelor and Rock of Love, The Marriage Ref is Shakespeare. Besides which, it replaces the unlamented Jay Leno Show disaster at 10pm, so it’s hard to say just how far the standards have really declined from what previously held the time slot. In truth, I’m reasonably confident that the primary reason that this show is on the air in the first place is that NBC suddenly needed to come up with an extra five hours of programming in a hurry, and it was quick to film and costs about $3.87 an episode to produce.

No, the real letdown of this show is simply that it isn’t really all that funny. I’m not really familiar with the previous work of Tom Papa, but Jerry Seinfeld is usually a funny, if somewhat annoying, comedian, and you would think he’d have better instincts than to be involved with this mess, let alone help create it. If this were being made by a bunch of unknowns in a basement studio for release on the web, it might be able to aspire to that “so bad it’s good” status, but this show is too polished, too promoted, and too well funded for that.

Without a doubt, The Marriage Ref is the most dreary, unfunny, and mediocre half-hour of television I’ve sat through in quite some time. In the final results, you’ll find it down at the bottom of the standings, with the notation “DNF”.

A Month of TV Commentary: A Meme in 30 Parts: Day 4

From aiela, via madlori, the 30-Day TV Meme.

Day 04 – Your favorite show ever

Doctor Who

As much as I’d love to say Firefly, my first great TV love was and is always Doctor Who. When I was in Junior High and High School, I was completely obsessed with the series. I collected books, comics, magazines, posters…anything I could get my hands on. I studied the series obsessively, and never missed it. I had every episode aired on North Carolina Public TV on VHS tape. My friend Jeff and I even conducted a Doctor Who Role Playing Game campaign that was epic in scope. (He was by far the better Gamemaster, though, and in all honesty was primarily responsible for it’s success.)

When I moved down to Georgia to live with stars_and_magic, I became active in local DW fandom, and met a great many friends as a result.

When they announced the plans to revive the series in 2004, I was skeptical. After all, that had been tried once before to no great success. But when the rough cut of “Rose” leaked on the Internet, I downloaded it, put it up on the TV and watched. And at the end, when Rose runs towards the TARDIS and the sting of the theme began, there were tears in my eyes. It wasn’t perfect, by any means. But it was back. And that’s all I cared about.

I hope this run of the show lasts as long as the first run. I could well do with another 25 years of the good Doctor’s adventures.

A Month of TV Commentary: A Meme in 30 Parts: Day 3

From aiela, via madlori, the 30-Day TV Meme.

Day 03 – Your favorite new show (aired this t.v season)


When I first heard about Glee, I thought “That sounds like it might be cute.” So one day while I was playing video games, I pulled up Hulu on my laptop and noticed the pilot was a featured selection. I cued it up, thinking it would make a nice diversion.

Three hours later, kitanzi returned home from having coffee with a friend, and I called her over to the sofa and said “You have to watch this.” We were both hooked, and it went on the season pass as soon as it actually debuted that fall.

There’s a lot of things to love about this show, the music not least of them. But most of all, I love this show because I grok these kids. When I was in high school, it was theatre and not glee that gave me sanctuary, but I defiantly know what it was like to be the weird kid that never really fit in anywhere, and how much that artistic outlet meant to me as a result.

Glee isn’t a perfect show. But it’s darn close, and it’s such an unlikely hit in this day and age that I can’t help but smile just to think that it’s on the air and not only surviving but thriving. Score one for the music geeks.

Honourable Mention: Accidentally On Purpose

Were it not for Glee, this would be my winner. Another one that I watched online and got so enthralled that I added it to the TiVo, this one succeeds largely on the combination of sharp, clever writing and the adorable Jenna Elfman’s pitch-perfect comic timing. It’s also one of the sweetest, realest, and most honest relationships I’ve seen in a sitcom in a long time.

A Month of TV Commentary: A meme in 30 parts, Day 2

From aiela, via madlori, the 30-Day TV Meme.

Day 02 – A show that you wish more people were watching


Most of the TV shows I watch these days are reasonably popular, and most are well into or past their third or fourth season, and not showing any immediate signs of going off the air. Castle has, in fact, been picked up for a third season, which is delightful news. But I’m picking it anyway, for a variety of reasons.

  1. It stars Nathan Fillion. As I mentioned yesterday, I was a big fan of Firefly, and I’m always pleased to see those actors get really good roles. (I’m not consistant about actually watching them, mind you. I never watched The Sarah Conners Chronicles despite Summer Glau’s participation, and I can’t quite seem to muster up any interest in V either, even with Morena Baccarin.)
  2. Stana Katic, the actress who plays Castle’s partner Kate Beckett, is delightful. She manages to find the perfect blend of qualities that make her an engaging and real character.
  3. It’s a good old-fashioned buddy-cop show. Now, I love me a good procedural, and CSI:NY is still on my weekly must-watch list, but sometimes I like my crime show a bit less technical. (And to be fair, the CSI shows have gotten slightly less technical as time has gone on.)
  4. It has, hands down, one of the best father-daughter relationships I’ve seen on television. I think my favourite scenes in the show have involved the wonderful interactions between Rick Castle and his daughter Alexis (Molly Quinn). These subplot scenes add a great deal to the depth of the character; they show us that Castle does, in fact, have a serious side, and this helps to keep him from become a caricature.
  5. On a personal note, a very dear friend of mine is the show creator/head writer’s sister, so I’ve been pulling for it just because I know his success makes her happy.

I was delighted to get the news that Castle would be returning for a third season, and if you haven’t given the show a try, I highly, highly recommend it.

A Month of TV Commentary: A meme in 30 parts, Day 1

From aiela, via madlori, the 30-Day TV Meme.

Day 01 – A show that should have never been cancelled


Absolutely, without question, one of the greatest travesties in the history of television. This is the only television show I’ve ever participated in a Save Our Show campaign for. It’s the only time I’ve ever been truly heartbroken over the fact that what we’ve seen is all we’re ever going to get. And the Big Damn Movie does not even begin to make up for it.

I don’t know if there’s any way to actually quantify this, but I wonder if Firefly holds the record for the most fan art produced relative to the actual amount of canon material released of any TV show in history? There’ve been shorter lived shows, and there have been shows that have surely generated more material, but I’m hard pressed to think of any program which has gotten this much attention for this short of a run.

REVIEW: The Marriage Ref

The last couple of weeks our tv-watching time has been mostly consumed with the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Despite NBC’s relatively awful coverage, I still greatly enjoyed the Games, because I love Olympic sports. Perhaps because I grew up in an area where snow has ever been a novelty, I love the Winter Games even more.

Now this year, much like in the last few games, we watched exclusively on the TiVo, often 24 hours behind the results (and after falling behind over the weekend, as much as 3-4 days behind), but it meant we could easily skip past sports that aren’t interesting (I’m looking at you, cross-country skiing), in favour of sports which are more exciting. Even if we failed to avoid spoilers, it’s usually fun to see HOW the results came about, so we oohed and ahhed over the snowboarding and the figure skating.

Aside from relatively un-telegenic sports, we also skipped most of the commercials. Honestly, I miss most commercials on television, because I simply never stop to watch them. (I had to go look up the “I’m on a horse” Old Spice commercial on YouTube, because I had no idea what aiela and davehogg were babbling about). But over the course of several breaks, it’s impossible not to see a few of them, and hence we were exposed to multiple promos for NBC’s new series, The Marriage Ref.

“That looks dreadful,” kitanzi said, and there was no reason to expect otherwise. Still, my curiosity was piqued. There were some talented people attached to this. How bad could it really be?

Having sampled an episode, I am here to report: It is very, very bad indeed. I’m reminded of Opus the Penguin’s film review in the old comic strip Bloom County: “George Phblat’s new film, ‘Benji Saves the Universe,’ has brought the word ‘BAD’ to new levels of badness. Bad acting. Bad effects. Bad everything. This film just oozed rottenness from every bad scene… Simply bad beyond all infinite dimensions of possible badness…Well maybe not that bad, but Lord, it wasn’t good.”

The premise of the show is fairly straightforward. A real married couple is having an argument over some absurd thing, Unable to resolve it, they present the facts of their argument to a celebrity panel, who make jokes about it, the host refers to a news researcher who presents some sort of statistical context for the disputed notion, the panel makes some more jokes, and then the host decides for one side or the other. The couple is brought onto a live monitor, the host informs them of the decision (with more jokes), they react predictably, and then it’s on to the next segment.

In the one episode I watched, (thanks to Hulu), there were two arguments to be settled. In the first, a man wanted to have his faithful canine companion stuffed by a taxidermist, in order to create a small shrine in the living room. In the second, the husband wanted to install a stripper pole in the house, which he imagined his wife would entertain him with. In both cases, the argument was so patently absurd that you really couldn’t figure out (absent evidence of severe brain damage) precisely why this was such an intractable issue. On the other hand, kitanzi and I once had a four-day long argument over the question “What, precisely, is poetry?”, so perhaps I shouldn’t throw stones too hard.

I could, if I were so inclined, complain about how the show perpetuates the “men are idiots” meme that has been a staple of sitcom humour for the last 30 years, but my heart isn’t really in it. Men, quite often, ARE idiots, and while I’m willing to defend them generally, I’m not really motivated to advocate for these two yahoos. They each had the hallmarks of a stubborn jackass who has made up his mind what he wants, and is so wrapped up in his desire that he isn’t listening to anything being said to him.

I could also make an argument that the very concept of this show represents a continuing dumbing down of television in the Reality Era, which makes a habit of putting ordinary people on screen for the purpose of making fun of them, but that doesn’t really have a lot of traction either, even by the notoriously low standards of reality television. Compared to pabulum such as The Bachelor and Rock of Love, The Marriage Ref is Shakespeare. Besides which, it replaces the unlamented Jay Leno Show disaster at 10pm, so it’s hard to say just how far the standards have really declined from what previously held the time slot. In truth, I’m reasonably confident that the primary reason that this show is on the air in the first place is that NBC suddenly needed to come up with an extra five hours of programming in a hurry, and it was quick to film and costs about $3.87 an episode to produce.

No, the real letdown of this show is simply that it isn’t really all that funny. I’m not really familiar with the previous work of Tom Papa, but Jerry Seinfeld is usually a funny, if somewhat annoying, comedian, and you would think he’d have better instincts than to be involved with this mess, let alone help create it. If this were being made by a bunch of unknowns in a basement studio for release on the web, it might be able to aspire to that “so bad it’s good” status, but this show is too polished, too promoted, and too well funded for that.

Without a doubt, The Marriage Ref is the most dreary, unfunny, and mediocre half-hour of television I’ve sat through in quite some time. In the final results, you’ll find it down at the bottom of the standings, with the notation “DNF”.

The Idiot Box

Good lord, I watched a lot of lousy television as a child.

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